Departamento de Antioquia - Medellín - Santa Elena
$ 1.380.000.000


  • Valor: $ 1.380.000.000
  • Region: Departamento de Antioquia
  • Localidad: Medellín
  • Zona: Santa Elena


This incredible property is for those who enjoy contact with nature and accept the challenge of living in an oak forest in harmony with the incredible variety of fauna and flora that you will hardly find elsewhere.

Breathe fresh air, take walks to the creek that passes by one side of the property, in a climate that does not exceed 14C, and have the advantages of modern life, electricity, drinking water and internet.

Current regulations allow the construction of up to 3 houses, each of 150 m2. An interesting possibility if you want to make this investment together with your family, or friends. Or develop an eco-hotel or glamping project.

The access roads are in excellent condition, which will facilitate construction and movement when you are living there.

These lands are an excellent investment opportunity due to the tranquility of the sector, as it is an area of ​​very good value. Its proximity to the airport, to Medellín and Rionegro, adds value to the location.


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